List of Famous people with last name Longueuil

Charles le Moyne de Longueuil, Baron de Longueuil

First Name Charles
Last Name Longueuil
Born on December 10, 1656
Died on June 7, 1729 (aged 72)
Born in Canada, Quebec

Charles (II) le Moyne de Longueuil, Baron de Longueuil was the first native-born Canadian to be made Baron in New France.

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Michael Grant, 12th Baron de Longueuil

First Name Michael
Last Name Longueuil
Born on June 20, 1947 (age 77)

Michael Charles Grant, 12th Baron de Longueuil is a nobleman possessing the only French colonial title recognized by the Monarch of Canada, currently his second cousin once removed, Elizabeth II of Canada.

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Paul-Joseph Le Moyne de Longueuil

First Name Paul-Joseph
Born on September 17, 1701
Died on May 12, 1778 (aged 76)
Born in Canada, Quebec

Paul-Joseph Le Moyne de Longueuil was a seigneur and colonial army officer in New France and governor of Trois-Rivières from 1757 to 1760.

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Raymond Grant, 11th Baron de Longueuil

First Name Raymond
Last Name Longueuil
Died on October 6, 2004 (aged 34)

Raymond David Grant, 11th Baron de Longueuil was a nobleman possessing the only French colonial title to be officially recognized by the British Crown. For much of his life, he was a professional painter residing in France.

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