List of Famous people with last name Lavelle

Rose Lavelle

First Name Rose
Last Name Lavelle
Born on May 14, 1995 (age 29)

Rosemary Kathleen Lavelle is an American professional soccer player who plays as a midfielder for English FA WSL team Manchester City and the United States national team. She started six games for the United States at the 2019 World Cup, scoring three goals, and was awarded the Bronze Ball. The same year, she was named the sixth best player in the world at The Best FIFA Football Awards 2019 and was named to the 2019 FIFA FIFPro World XI.

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John Lavelle

First Name John
Last Name Lavelle
Born on November 23, 1981 (age 42)

John Lavelle is an American stage, film, television actor, and playwright who is perhaps best known for his role as Benjamin Braddock in John Reid's 2002 Broadway adaptation of The Graduate, where he starred opposite Lorraine Bracco. and for his portrayal of Roy Reed in the film Selma. He is the author of several plays including Sinner's Laundry and Inhalation. He won a Drama Desk Award for his work in The Royale at the Lincoln Center Theatre.

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James Lavelle

First Name James
Last Name Lavelle
Born on February 22, 1974 (age 50)

James Lavelle is an English electronic musician, record label owner and curator. He founded the Mo'Wax record label in 1992, and has been the only constant member of UNKLE. He directed the 2014 edition of the Meltdown festival on London's South Bank, and curated the 2016 exhibition "Daydreaming with Stanley Kubrick" at Somerset House. He was the subject of 2018 documentary film The Man From Mo'Wax.

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