List of Famous people with last name Lamarque

Jean Maximilien Lamarque

First Name Jean
Last Name Lamarque
Born on July 22, 1770
Died on June 1, 1832 (aged 61)

Jean Maximilien Lamarque was a French commander during the Napoleonic Wars who later became a member of the French Parliament. Lamarque served with distinction in many of Napoleon's campaigns. He was particularly noted for his capture of Capri from the British, and for his defeat of Royalist forces in the Vendée in 1815. The latter campaign received great praise from Napoleon, who said Lamarque had "performed wonders, and even surpassed my hopes".

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Libertad Lamarque

First Name Libertad
Born on November 24, 1908
Died on December 12, 2000 (aged 92)

Libertad Lamarque was an Argentine actress and singer, one of the icons of the Golden Age of Argentine and Mexican cinema. She achieved fame throughout Latin America, and became known as "La Novia de América". By the time she died in 2000, she had appeared in 65 films and six soap operas, had recorded over 800 songs and had made innumerable theatrical appearances.

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Amelia Lamarque

First Name Amelia
Last Name Lamarque
Died on November 30, 1998 (aged 28)
Born in Spain
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