List of Famous people with last name L-isle

William Sidney, 1st Viscount De L'Isle

First Name William
Last Name L'Isle
Born on May 23, 1909
Died on April 5, 1991 (aged 81)

William Philip Sidney, 1st Viscount De L'Isle,, known as The Lord De L'Isle and Dudley between 1945 and 1956, was a British Army officer, politician and Victoria Cross recipient who served as the 15th Governor-General of Australia, in office from 1961 to 1965. He was the last non-Australian to hold the position.

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Louis de l'Isle

First Name Louis
Last Name L'Isle
Born on January 1, 1685
Died on October 21, 1741 (aged 56)

Louis de l'Isle de la Croyère, was a French astronomer who served the Russian Empire and became an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Saint-Petersburg.

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Georges Bidault de l'Isle

First Name Georges
Last Name L'Isle
Born on December 4, 1874
Died on February 19, 1956 (aged 81)
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Don't know him/her
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