List of Famous people with last name Kourouma

Philippe Kourouma

First Name Philippe
Last Name Kourouma
Born on November 29, 1932
Died on February 10, 2009 (aged 76)

Philippe Kourouma was the Guinean bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of N’Zérékoré from 15 December 1979, until his retirement on 27 November 2007. He remained Bishop Emeritus of the diocese from his retirement until his death on 10 February 2009, at the age of 76.

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Sékou Kourouma

First Name Sékou
Born on November 30, 1955
Died on April 18, 2020 (aged 64)

Sékou Kourouma was a Guinean politician, political aide and advisor to Guinean President Alpha Condé. He held the position of Chief of Staff to Condé, a high-ranking post officially known as the Secretary General of the Government, until his death from COVID-19. Kourouma, who was also a former Minister of Public Works, was a relative of Condé.

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