List of Famous people with last name Koch

Marianne Koch

First Name Marianne
Born on August 19, 1931 (age 93)
Born in Germany, Bavaria

Marianne Koch is a German actress of the 1950s and 1960s, best known for her appearances in Spaghetti Westerns and adventure films of the 1960s. She later worked as a television host and as a physician.

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Robert Koch

Robert Heinrich Hermann Koch
First Name Robert
Last Name Koch
Born on December 11, 1843
Died on May 27, 1910 (aged 66)

Heinrich Hermann Robert Koch was a German physician and microbiologist. As one of the main founders of modern bacteriology, he identified the specific causative agents of tuberculosis, cholera, and anthrax and also gave experimental support for the concept of infectious disease, which included experiments on humans and animals. Koch created and improved laboratory technologies and techniques in the field of microbiology, and made key discoveries in public health. His research led to the creation of Koch's postulates, a series of four generalized principles linking specific microorganisms to specific diseases that proved influential on subsequent epidemiological principles such as the Bradford Hill criteria. For his research on tuberculosis, Koch received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1905. The Robert Koch Institute is named in his honour.

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Dorothy Bush Koch

First Name Dorothy
Last Name Koch
Born on August 18, 1959 (age 65)

Dorothy Walker "Doro" Bush Koch is an American author and philanthropist. She is the sixth child and only living daughter of the late 41st President of the United States, George H. W. Bush, and former First Lady Barbara Bush.

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David H. Koch

First Name David
Last Name Koch
Born on May 3, 1940
Died on August 23, 2019 (aged 79)

David Hamilton Koch was an American businessman, philanthropist, political activist, and chemical engineer. In 1970, he joined the family business: Koch Industries, the largest privately held company in the United States. He became president of the subsidiary Koch Engineering in 1979, and became a co-owner of Koch Industries in 1983. Koch served as an executive vice president of Koch Industries until he retired due to health issues in 2018.

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Bobby Koch

First Name Bobby
Last Name Koch
Born on January 13, 1960 (age 65)

Robert P. "Bobby" Koch is the president and CEO of the Wine Institute, acting as its chief lobbyist in Washington D.C. and Sacramento, California.

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Charles Koch

First Name Charles
Last Name Koch
Born on November 1, 1935 (age 89)
Net Worth $46.4B

Charles de Ganahl Koch is an American billionaire businessman and philanthropist. As of March 2019, he was ranked as the 11th-richest person in the world, with an estimated net worth of $50.5 billion. Koch has been co-owner, chairman, and chief executive officer of Koch Industries since 1967, while his late brother David Koch served as executive vice president. Charles and David each owned 42% of the conglomerate. The brothers inherited the business from their father, Fred C. Koch, then expanded the business. Originally involved exclusively in oil refining and chemicals, Koch Industries now includes process and pollution control equipment and technologies, polymers and fibers, minerals, fertilizers, commodity trading and services, forest and consumer products, and ranching. The businesses produce a wide variety of well-known brands, such as Stainmaster carpet, the Lycra brand of spandex fiber, Quilted Northern tissue, and Dixie Cup.

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Sebastian Koch

First Name Sebastian
Last Name Koch
Born on May 31, 1962 (age 62)
Height 182 cm | 6'0

Sebastian Koch is a German television and film actor. He is known for roles in the 2007 Academy Award-winning film The Lives of Others, in Steven Spielberg's Bridge of Spies, and as Otto Düring in the fifth season of the Showtime series Homeland.

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Ilse Koch

Margarete Ilse Köhler
First Name Ilse
Born on September 22, 1906
Died on September 1, 1967 (aged 60)
Born in Germany, Saxony

Ilse Koch was married to Karl-Otto Koch, commandant of the Nazi concentration camps Buchenwald (1937–1941) and Majdanek (1941–1943). In 1947, she became one of the first prominent Nazis tried by the U.S. military.

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Christina Koch

First Name Christina
Last Name Koch
Born on January 29, 1979 (age 46)

Christina Hammock Koch is an American engineer and NASA astronaut of the class of 2013. She received Bachelor of Science degrees in Electrical Engineering and Physics and a Master of Science in Electrical Engineering from North Carolina State University. She also did advanced study while working at the Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC). Just before becoming an astronaut, she served with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration as Station Chief for American Samoa.

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Bill Koch

First Name Bill
Last Name Koch
Born on May 3, 1940 (age 84)

William Ingraham Koch is an American billionaire businessman, sailor, and collector. His boat was the winner of the America's Cup in 1992. Forbes estimated Koch's net worth at $1.8 billion in 2019, from oil and other investments.

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