List of Famous people with last name Knezevic

Ksenija Knezevic

First Name Ksenija
Born on January 24, 1996 (age 28)

Hurricane, also known as Hurricane Girls, are a Serbian girl group formed by Zoran Milinković in November 2017, consisting of three members: Sanja Vučić, Ivana Nikolić and Ksenija Knežević.

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Milutin Knežević

Mihailo Knežević
First Name Milutin
Born on January 10, 1949
Died on March 30, 2020 (aged 71)

Milutin Knežević was a Serbian Orthodox prelate, Bishop of the Eparchy of Australia and New Zealand between 2003 and 2006, and the Eparchy of Valjevo from 2006 to 2020. He died on 30 March 2020, from complications due to COVID-19.

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