List of Famous people with last name Kitson

Dave Kitson

First Name Dave
Last Name Kitson
Born on January 21, 1980 (age 44)
Height 191 cm | 6'3

David Barry Kitson is an English former professional footballer who played as a forward. He made 420 appearances in the Premier League and Football League, including 135 for Reading.

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Dorothy Kitson

First Name Dorothy
Last Name Kitson
Born on November 30, 1530
Died on November 30, 1576 (aged 46)

Dorothy Kitson later, Dorothy, Lady Pakington, was the daughter of Sir Thomas Kitson, a wealthy London merchant and the builder of Hengrave Hall in Suffolk. Her first husband was Sir Thomas Pakington, by whom she was the mother of Queen Elizabeth I's favourite, Sir John "Lusty" Pakington. After Sir Thomas Pakington's death she married Thomas Tasburgh. She was one of the few women in Tudor England to nominate burgesses to Parliament and to make her last will while her husband, Thomas Tasburgh, was still living. Her three nieces are referred to in the poems of Edmund Spenser.

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Katherine Kitson

First Name Katherine
Born on November 30, 1523
Died on January 1, 1596 (aged 72)
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Robert Kitson

First Name Robert
Last Name Kitson
Born on January 1, 1918
Died on January 1, 1996 (aged 78)
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Thomas Kitson

First Name Thomas
Last Name Kitson
Born on November 30, 1539
Died on November 30, 1602 (aged 63)

Sir Thomas Kitson or Kytson (1540-1603) was an English landowner.

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Harriett Buller Kitson

First Name Harriett
Born on January 1, 1850
Died on March 9, 1932 (aged 82)
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Margaret Kitson

First Name Margaret
Last Name Kitson
Born on July 13, 1916
Died on September 10, 2007 (aged 91)
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Juliet Kitson

First Name Juliet
Last Name Kitson
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James Buller Kitson

First Name James
Last Name Kitson
Born on December 24, 1883
Died on January 1, 1976 (aged 92)
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Henry James Buller Kitson

First Name Henry
Last Name Kitson
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