List of Famous people with last name Kavanaugh

Brett Kavanaugh

Brett Michael Kavanaugh
First Name Brett
Last Name Kavanaugh
Born on February 12, 1965 (age 59)

Brett Michael Kavanaugh is an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. He was nominated by President Donald Trump on July 9, 2018, and has served since October 6, 2018. He was previously a United States Circuit Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit and worked as a staff lawyer for various offices of the federal government.

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Ryan Kavanaugh

First Name Ryan
Last Name Kavanaugh
Born on November 30, 1973 (age 50)

Ryan Colin Kavanaugh is an American businessman, film producer and film financier. He is the founder and former CEO of Relativity Media. Through Relativity, he has financed more than 200 films representing more than $17 billion in revenue He is credited as of April 19, 2014 as the producer of 61 films and known for creating a new "Moneyball" model of film finance. He was named by Variety as 2011's "Showman of the Year" and was #22 on the Fortune 40 Under 40 list. He was #19 on the Forbes 2013 list of youngest billionaires, and he entered an investment partnership with Ron Burkle. He is active in philanthropy and was named a Hollywood Humanitarian by Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. He is the 25th highest grossing producer in box office of all time.

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Ashley Estes Kavanaugh

Ashley Jean Estes
First Name Ashley
Last Name Kavanaugh
Born on November 4, 1974 (age 49)

Ashley Estes Kavanaugh is an American public official and former political aide. She has been married since 2004 to Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States Brett Kavanaugh.

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Jim Kavanaugh

First Name Jim
Last Name Kavanaugh
Born on November 30, 1962 (age 61)
Net Worth $2.3B

Jim Kavanaugh is an American businessman serving as the CEO of World Wide Technology.

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