List of Famous people with last name Jaffee

Al Jaffee

First Name Al
Last Name Jaffee
Born on March 13, 1921 (age 103)

Allan Jaffee is an American cartoonist. He is notable for his work in the satirical magazine Mad, including his trademark feature, the Mad Fold-in. Jaffee was a regular contributor to the magazine for 65 years and is its longest-running contributor. In a 2010 interview, Jaffee said, "Serious people my age are dead."

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Rami Jaffee

First Name Rami
Last Name Jaffee
Born on March 11, 1969 (age 55)

Rami Jaffee is an American musician. He is best known as the keyboardist for the rock band Foo Fighters, whom he initially joined in a touring and session capacity in 2005. Jaffee has contributed to five of the band's studio albums, and in 2017 was added to the core line-up of the band.

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Irving Jaffee

First Name Irving
Last Name Jaffee
Born on September 15, 1906
Died on March 20, 1981 (aged 74)

Irving Warren Jaffee was an American speed skater who won two gold medals at the 1932 Winter Olympics, becoming the most successful athlete there along with his compatriot Jack Shea.

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