List of Famous people with last name Isley

Ronald Isley

First Name Ronald
Last Name Isley
Born on May 21, 1941 (age 83)

Ronald Isley is an American recording artist, songwriter, record producer, and occasional actor. Isley is best known as the lead singer and founding member of the family music group The Isley Brothers.

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Rudolph Isley

Rudolph Bernard Isley
First Name Rudolph
Last Name Isley
Born on April 1, 1939 (age 85)

Rudolph Bernard Isley is an American singer-songwriter and is one of the founding members of The Isley Brothers.

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Ernie Isley

Ernest Isley
First Name Ernie
Born on March 7, 1952 (age 72)

Ernest "Ernie" Isley is a member of the American musical ensemble The Isley Brothers.

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