List of Famous people with last name Henrici

Peter Henrici

Peter Karl Henrici
First Name Peter
Last Name Henrici
Born on September 13, 1923
Died on March 13, 1987 (aged 63)

Peter Karl Henrici was a Swiss mathematician best known for his contributions to the field of numerical analysis.

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Olaus Henrici

First Name Olaus
Born on March 9, 1840
Died on August 10, 1918 (aged 78)

Olaus Magnus Friedrich Erdmann Henrici, FRS was a German mathematician who became a professor in London.

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Christian Friedrich Henrici

First Name Christian
Last Name Henrici
Born on January 14, 1700
Died on May 10, 1764 (aged 64)
Born in Germany, Saxony

Christian Friedrich Henrici, writing under the pen name Picander, was a German poet and librettist for many of the cantatas which Johann Sebastian Bach composed in Leipzig.

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