List of Famous people with last name Garson

Willie Garson

William Garson Paszamant
First Name Willie
Last Name Garson
Born on February 20, 1964
Died on September 21, 2021 (aged 57)
Height 171 cm | 5'7

William Garson Paszamant is an American actor. He has appeared in over 75 films, and more than 300 TV episodes. He is known for playing Stanford Blatch on the HBO series Sex and the City and in the related films Sex and the City and Sex and the City 2, and for his role as Mozzie in the USA Network series White Collar from 2009 to 2014. He appears on Hawaii Five-0 as Gerard Hirsch. He also played the character Martin Lloyd in the sci-fi series Stargate SG-1.

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Greer Garson

First Name Greer
Last Name Garson
Born on September 29, 1904
Died on April 6, 1996 (aged 91)
Height 168 cm | 5'6

Eileen Evelyn Greer Garson was an English actress and singer. She was a major star at Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer popularized during the Second World War for her portrayal of strong women on the homefront; listed by the Motion Picture Herald as one of America's top-ten box office draws from 1942 to 1946. She is the fourth most nominated woman for the Best Actress Oscar.

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Stuart Garson

First Name Stuart
Last Name Garson
Born on December 1, 1898
Died on May 5, 1977 (aged 78)
Born in Canada, Ontario

Stuart Sinclair Garson, was a Canadian politician and lawyer. He served as the 12th Premier of Manitoba from 1943 to 1948, and later became a Federal cabinet minister.

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