List of Famous people with last name Fossey

Dian Fossey

First Name Dian
Last Name Fossey
Born on January 16, 1932
Died on December 26, 1985 (aged 53)

Dian Fossey was an American primatologist and conservationist known for undertaking an extensive study of mountain gorilla groups from 1966 until her 1985 murder. She studied them daily in the mountain forests of Rwanda, initially encouraged to work there by paleoanthropologist Louis Leakey. Gorillas in the Mist, a book published two years before her death, is Fossey's account of her scientific study of the gorillas at Karisoke Research Center and prior career. It was adapted into a 1988 film of the same name.

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Brigitte Fossey

First Name Brigitte
Born on June 15, 1946 (age 78)

Brigitte Florence Fossey is a French actress.

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