List of Famous people with last name Ephrussi

Maurice Ephrussi

First Name Maurice
Last Name Ephrussi
Born on November 18, 1849
Died on October 29, 1916 (aged 66)

Maurice Ephrussi was a French banker and horsebreeder.

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Jules Ephrussi

First Name Jules
Last Name Ephrussi
Born on August 2, 1846
Died on May 23, 1915 (aged 68)
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Charles Ephrussi

First Name Charles
Last Name Ephrussi
Born on December 24, 1849
Died on September 30, 1905 (aged 55)

Charles Ephrussi was a French art critic, art historian, and art collector. He also was a part-owner and then editor as well as a contributor to the Gazette des Beaux-Arts, the most important art historical periodical in France.

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Boris Ephrussi

First Name Boris
Last Name Ephrussi
Born on May 9, 1901
Died on May 2, 1979 (aged 77)
Born in Russia

Boris Ephrussi, Professor of Genetics at the University of Paris, was a Russo-French geneticist.

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