List of Famous people with last name Doumbouya

Mamadi Doumbouya

First Name Mamadi
Born on March 4, 1980 (age 44)
Born in Guinea

Mamady Doumbouya is a Guinean colonel who was the instigator of the ongoing 2021 Guinean coup d'état attempt. He is member of the Special Forces Group and a former French legionnaire. On the day of the coup attempt, Doumbouya issued a broadcast on state television declaring that his faction had dissolved the government and constitution.

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Sekou Doumbouya

First Name Sekou
Born on December 23, 2000 (age 23)
Born in Conakry region
Height 206 cm | 6'9

Sekou Oumar Doumbouya is a French professional basketball player for the Detroit Pistons of the National Basketball Association (NBA). Listed at 2.03 m and 105 kilograms, he plays both the small forward and power forward positions.

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Lauriane Darboux

First Name Lauriane

Lauriane Doumbouya née Darboux is the current First Lady of Guinea since 5 September 2021. She is from France and is the wife of the interim President of Guinea, Mamady Doumbouya who took power in the 2021 Guinean coup d'état. She is an active duty member of the French National Gendarmerie.

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