List of Famous people with last name Donaldson

Josh Donaldson

Joshua Adam Donaldson is an American professional baseball third baseman for the Minnesota Twins of Major League Baseball (MLB). He previously played for the Oakland Athletics, Toronto Blue Jays, Cleveland Indians, and Atlanta Braves. He was initially drafted by the Chicago Cubs in the 2007 MLB draft after playing college baseball at Auburn University. Donaldson made his MLB debut with the Athletics in 2010 as a catcher, progressing with the team, switching positions to third base, and eventually becoming an All-Star in the 2014 MLB season.

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Sam Donaldson

First Name Sam
Last Name Donaldson
Born on March 11, 1934 (age 90)

Samuel Andrew Donaldson Jr. is an American former reporter and news anchor, serving with ABC News from 1967 to 2013. He is best known as the network's White House Correspondent and as a panelist and later co-anchor of the network's Sunday program, This Week.

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Ian Stuart Donaldson

First Name Ian
Last Name Donaldson
Born on August 11, 1957
Died on September 24, 1993 (aged 36)

Ian Stuart Donaldson, also known as Ian Stuart, was a neo-Nazi musician from Poulton-le-Fylde, Lancashire. He was best known as the front-man of Skrewdriver, an English Oi! band which, from 1982 onwards, he rebranded as a Rock Against Communism band. He raised money through nationalist concerts with his Blood and Honour network.

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Julia Donaldson

First Name Julia
Last Name Donaldson
Born on September 16, 1948 (age 75)

Julia Donaldson is an English writer, playwright and performer, and the 2011–2013 Children's Laureate. She is best known for her popular rhyming stories for children, especially those illustrated by Axel Scheffler, which include The Gruffalo, Room on the Broom and Stick Man. She originally wrote songs for children's television but has concentrated on writing books since the words of one of her songs, "A Squash and a Squeeze", were made into a children's book in 1993. Of her 184 published works, 64 are widely available in bookshops. The remaining 120 are intended for school use and include her Songbirds phonic reading scheme, which is part of the Oxford University Press's Oxford Reading Tree.

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Jeffrey Donaldson

First Name Jeffrey
Last Name Donaldson

Sir Jeffrey Mark Donaldson is a British politician who is the Democratic Unionist Party Member of Parliament (MP) for Lagan Valley in Northern Ireland. First elected as an Ulster Unionist Party (UUP) candidate, he is best known for his opposition to UUP leader David Trimble during the Northern Ireland peace process, especially from 1998 to 2003. He is Northern Ireland's longest-serving current MP. Since December 2019 he has been the leader of the DUP in the House of Commons.

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Peter Donaldson

First Name Peter
Last Name Donaldson
Born on August 23, 1945
Died on November 3, 2015 (aged 70)

Peter Ian Donaldson was an English newsreader on BBC Radio 4.

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Jared Donaldson

Jared Donaldson is an American professional tennis player from Glocester, Rhode Island. Donaldson was the only American to qualify for the inaugural Next Generation ATP Finals at the end of 2017 as the fifth seed. He has won a Challenger title in singles as well as doubles, with both of them having come at the Royal Lahaina Challenger in 2015.

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Hay Donaldson

First Name Hay
Last Name Donaldson
Born on January 19, 1738
Died on September 28, 1802 (aged 64)
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Stuart Donaldson

First Name Stuart
Last Name Donaldson
Born on December 16, 1812
Died on January 11, 1867 (aged 54)

Sir Stuart Alexander Donaldson was the first Premier of the Colony of New South Wales.

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Stuart Alexander Donaldson

First Name Stuart
Last Name Donaldson
Born on September 25, 1776
Died on July 4, 1849 (aged 72)
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