List of Famous people with last name D-haussonville

Louise de Broglie, comtesse d'Haussonville

First Name Louise
Last Name D'Haussonville
Born on May 25, 1818
Died on April 21, 1882 (aged 63)

Louise de Broglie, Countess d'Haussonville was a French essayist and biographer, and a member of the House of Broglie, a distinguished French family. A granddaughter of the novelist Germaine de Staël, she was considered independent, liberal, and outspoken. Her 1845 portrait by Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres, which took three years to complete, has been exhibited in the Frick Collection in New York City since the 1930s.

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Gabriel Paul Othenin de Cléron, comte d'Haussonville

First Name Gabriel
Last Name D'Haussonville
Died on September 1, 1924

Gabriel Paul Othenin de Cléron, comte d'Haussonville was a French politician and author.

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Joseph d'Haussonville

First Name Joseph
Last Name D'Haussonville
Born on May 27, 1809
Died on May 28, 1884 (aged 75)

Joseph Othenin Bernard de Cléron, comte d'Haussonville, was a French politician and historian.

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Charles Louis Bernard de Cléron, comte d'Haussonville

First Name Charles
Last Name D'Haussonville
Born on November 1, 1770
Died on November 1, 1846 (aged 76)

Charles Louis Bernard de Cléron, comte d'Haussonville (1770–1846) was a French aristocrat and political figure, the father of Joseph d'Haussonville.

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