List of Famous people with last name Coote

Laetitia Coote

First Name Laetitia
Died on March 17, 1729
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Mary Ann Harriet Coote

First Name Mary
Last Name Coote
Born on January 1, 1833
Died on February 15, 1915 (aged 82)
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Philip Arthur Cecil Coote

First Name Philip
Last Name Coote
Born on March 30, 1935 (age 89)
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Roderic Coote

First Name Roderic
Born on April 13, 1915
Died on July 6, 2000 (aged 85)

The Right Reverend Roderic Norman Coote OBE was a British Anglican Bishop who held three different posts in an ecclesiastical career spanning half a century.

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Grace Coote

First Name Grace
Last Name Coote
Died on April 16, 1823
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Chidley Coote

First Name Chidley
Born on January 1, 1735
Died on June 6, 1799 (aged 64)
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Stephen Arthur Coote

First Name Stephen
Last Name Coote
Born on September 12, 1925
Died on September 19, 2013 (aged 88)
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Richard Coote

First Name Richard
Last Name Coote
Born on January 31, 1643
Died on January 1, 1700 (aged 56)
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Richard Eyre Coote

First Name Richard
Last Name Coote
Born on January 1, 1929 (age 95)
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Don't know him/her

Michael Coote

First Name Michael
Last Name Coote
Born on May 31, 1913
Died on October 24, 1999 (aged 86)
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Don't know him/her
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