List of Famous people with last name Clooney

George Clooney

George Timothy Clooney
First Name George
Last Name Clooney
Born on May 6, 1961 (age 63)
Height 180 cm | 5'11

George Timothy Clooney is an American actor, film director, producer, screenwriter and philanthropist. He is the recipient of three Golden Globe Awards and two Academy Awards, one for acting in Syriana (2006) and the other for co-producing Argo (2012). In 2018, he was the recipient of the AFI Lifetime Achievement Award.

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Amal Clooney

First Name Amal
Last Name Clooney
Born on February 3, 1978 (age 47)
Height 174 cm | 5'9

Amal Clooney is a Lebanese-born British barrister at Doughty Street Chambers, specialising in international law and human rights. Her clients include Maria Ressa, co-founder of Rappler; Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, in his fight against extradition; the former prime minister of Ukraine, Yulia Tymoshenko; Egyptian-Canadian journalist Mohamed Fahmy; and Nobel Prize laureate Nadia Murad.

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Nick Clooney

First Name Nick
Last Name Clooney
Born on January 13, 1934 (age 91)

Nicholas Joseph Clooney is an American journalist, anchorman, and television host. He is the brother of singer Rosemary Clooney and the father of actor George Clooney.

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Alexander Clooney

First Name Alexander
Last Name Clooney
Born on June 6, 2017 (age 7)
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Ella Clooney

First Name Ella
Born on June 6, 2017 (age 7)
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