List of Famous people with last name Chatelier

Margaux Chatelier

First Name Margaux
Born on March 21, 1990 (age 34)

Margaux Châtelier is a French actress known for her role in the 2013 film Belle and Sebastian and its 2015 sequel, Belle & Sebastian: The Adventure Continues. She appeared as Annalise de Marillac in the Starz series Outlander in 2016.

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Bénédicte Le Chatelier

First Name Bénédicte
Born on August 10, 1976 (age 48)

Bénédicte Le Chatelier, born August 10, 1976 in Lyon (Rhône), is a French television journalist.

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Béatrice Chatelier

First Name Béatrice
Last Name Chatelier
Born on July 6, 1951 (age 73)
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