List of Famous people with last name Carlsen

Magnus Carlsen

Sven Magnus Øen Carlsen
First Name Magnus
Last Name Carlsen
Born on November 30, 1990 (age 33)

Sven Magnus Øen Carlsen is a Norwegian chess grandmaster who is the current World Chess Champion, World Rapid Chess Champion, and World Blitz Chess Champion. Carlsen first reached the top of the FIDE world rankings in 2010, and trails only Garry Kasparov in time spent as the highest rated player in the world. His peak classical rating of 2882 is the highest in history. Carlsen also holds the record for the longest unbeaten run in classical chess.

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Armand Carlsen

Armand Henning Carlsen
First Name Armand
Last Name Carlsen
Born on October 20, 1905
Died on May 8, 1969 (aged 63)

Armand Henning Carlsen was a Norwegian speed skater who competed in the 1928 Winter Olympics.

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Torben Carlsen

First Name Torben
Born on April 17, 1962 (age 62)
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