List of Famous people with last name Burrow

Joe Burrow

Joseph Lee Burrow
First Name Joe
Last Name Burrow
Born on December 10, 1996 (age 27)
Height 191 cm | 6'3

Joseph Lee Burrow is an American football quarterback for the Cincinnati Bengals of the National Football League (NFL). After starting his college football career as a backup at Ohio State, he transferred to play for the Tigers of LSU in 2018, where he became the starter and eventually led LSU to the College Football Playoff National Championship in 2019. Burrow passed for over 5,600 yards with 60 touchdowns that season, the latter being the most in a single season in NCAA Division I Football Bowl Subdivision (FBS) history. He won several awards and honors for his performance, including the Heisman Trophy and Maxwell Award. Many journalists and sportswriters deemed the season to be one of the greatest ever by a college quarterback.

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Rob Burrow

First Name Rob
Last Name Burrow
Born on September 26, 1982 (age 41)

Robert Geoffrey Burrow is an English former professional rugby league footballer, who spent 16 years playing for the Leeds Rhinos in the Super League, before retiring in 2017. An England and Great Britain representative, he spent his entire professional career with Leeds. At 5 ft 5 in (165 cm) tall and weighing less than 11 st, Burrow was known for many years as "the smallest player in Super League". Despite this, he was one of the most successful players in the competition's history, having won a total of 8 Super League championships, two Challenge Cups, been named to the Super League Dream Team on three occasions and won the Harry Sunderland Trophy twice.

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Jim Burrow

First Name Jim
Last Name Burrow
Born on November 29, 1953 (age 70)

James Arthur Burrow, commonly known as Jimmy Burrow, is a former all-star defensive back in the Canadian Football League and the National Football League and retired college football coach. He is the father of Heisman Trophy winner Joe Burrow.

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Sharan Burrow

First Name Sharan
Born on December 12, 1954 (age 69)

Sharan Leslie Burrow is the General Secretary of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) and a former President of the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) (2000–2010). She is the first woman to become General Secretary of the ITUC since its foundation in 2006, and was the second woman to become President of the ACTU.

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