List of Famous people with last name Burgundy

Mary of Burgundy

First Name Mary
Last Name Burgundy
Born on February 13, 1457
Died on March 27, 1482 (aged 25)

Mary, Duchess of Burgundy, reigned over the Burgundian State, now mainly in France and the Low Countries, from 1477 until her death in a riding accident at the age of 25.

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Louis, Dauphin of France, Duke of Burgundy

First Name Louis,
Last Name Burgundy
Died on February 18, 1712

Louis, Duke of Burgundy, was the eldest son of Louis, Grand Dauphin, and grandson of the reigning French monarch, King Louis XIV. He was known as the "Petit Dauphin" to distinguish him from his father, until the latter died in April 1711. At that time he became the official Dauphin of France. He died in 1712 before his grandfather, the King. Upon the death of Louis XIV in 1715, the Duke of Burgundy's son became King Louis XV.

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Constance of Burgundy

First Name Constance
Last Name Burgundy
Born on May 8, 1046
Died on January 1, 1093 (aged 46)

Constance of Burgundy was the daughter of Duke Robert I of Burgundy and Helie de Semur-en-Brionnais. She was Queen of Castile and León by her marriage to Alfonso VI of León and Castile. She was the granddaughter of King Robert II of France, the second monarch of the French Capetian dynasty. She was the mother of Urraca of León, who succeeded her father in both Castile and León.

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Raymond of Burgundy

First Name Raymond
Last Name Burgundy
Born on January 1, 1070
Died on September 20, 1107 (aged 37)

Raymond of Burgundy was the ruler of Galicia from about 1090 until his death. He was the fourth son of Count William I of Burgundy and Stephanie. He married Urraca, future queen of León, and was the father of the future Alfonso VII.

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Henry of Burgundy

First Name Henry
Last Name Burgundy
Born on January 1, 1066
Died on November 1, 1112 (aged 46)

Henry, Count of Portugal, was the first member of the Capetian House of Burgundy to rule Portugal and the father of the country's first king, Afonso Henriques.

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Agnes of France, Duchess of Burgundy

First Name Agnes
Last Name Burgundy
Born on January 1, 1260
Died on December 19, 1327 (aged 67)

Agnes of France was a Duchess of Burgundy by marriage to Robert II, Duke of Burgundy. She served as regent of Burgundy during the minority of her son in 1306–1311.

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Mary of Burgundy

First Name Mary
Last Name Burgundy
Born on September 1, 1386
Died on October 8, 1422 (aged 36)

Mary of Burgundy was a Duchess of Savoy by her marriage to Amadeus VIII of Savoy, who was later known as Antipope Felix V.

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Marie of Burgundy

First Name Marie
Last Name Burgundy
Born on November 30, 1392
Died on October 30, 1463 (aged 70)

Mary of Burgundy, Duchess of Cleves was the second child of John the Fearless and Margaret of Bavaria, and an elder sister of Philip the Good. Born in Dijon, she became the second wife of Adolph, Count of Mark in May 1406. He was made the 1st Duke of Cleves in 1417. They were the grandparents of King Louis XII of France and the great-grandparents of John III, Duke of Cleves, father of Anne of Cleves, who was fourth Queen consort of Henry VIII of England. By their daughter, Catherine, they were ancestors of Mary, Queen of Scots.

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Robert II of Burgundy

First Name Robert
Last Name Burgundy
Born on November 30, 1247
Died on March 21, 1306 (aged 58)

Robert II of Burgundy was Duke of Burgundy between 1272 and 1306. Robert was the third son of duke Hugh IV and Yolande of Dreux.

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Conrad I of Burgundy

First Name Conrad
Last Name Burgundy
Born on November 30, 0924
Died on October 19, 0993 (aged 68)

Conrad I, called the Peaceful, a member of the Elder House of Welf, was King of Burgundy from 937 until his death.

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