List of Famous people with last name Boon

Dany Boon

First Name Dany
Last Name Boon
Born on June 26, 1966 (age 58)

Dany Boon is a French comedian and filmmaker who has acted both on the stage and the screen. He takes his stage name from the American television show Daniel Boone.

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Yaël Boon

Yaël Harris
First Name Yaël
Born on June 23, 1980 (age 44)

Yaël Boon is a French–Swiss actress, director, film producer and screenwriter. Boon has appeared in several notable French language films including Welcome to the Sticks (2008) and Supercondriaque (2014). She has also worked on the production side of film; in 2010, she was a writer for Nothing to Declare and in 2016 produced Ma famille t'adore déjà.

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Jazz Boon

First Name Jazz
Last Name Boon
Born on September 25, 1966 (age 57)

Jazz Boon is a Hong Kong television producer, director, and writer. His professional TV career started in the early 1990s, when he was hired by TVB as a production assistant. His first drama as director was the 1995 police procedural Invincible Vanguard. He was promoted to producer in 2012.

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Ed Boon

First Name Ed
Last Name Boon
Born on February 22, 1964 (age 60)

Edward John Boon is an American video game programmer, philanthropist, voice actor, and director who was employed for over 15 years at Midway Games and since 2011 has worked for Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment in its company NetherRealm Studios. Boon is best known for the widely popular Mortal Kombat series, which he created with John Tobias. Boon and Tobias' last names backwards are the basis for the name of the Mortal Kombat character Noob Saibot.

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