List of Famous people with last name Bentivoglio

Giovanni II Bentivoglio

First Name Giovanni
Last Name Bentivoglio
Born on February 12, 1443
Died on February 15, 1508 (aged 65)

Giovanni II Bentivoglio was an Italian nobleman who ruled as tyrant of Bologna from 1463 until 1506. He had no formal position, but held power as the city's "first citizen." The Bentivoglio family ruled over Bologna from 1443, and repeatedly attempted to consolidate their hold of the Signoria of the city.

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Alessandro Bentivoglio

First Name Alessandro
Last Name Bentivoglio
Born on January 1, 1474
Died on January 1, 1532 (aged 58)
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Bianca Bentivoglio

First Name Bianca
Last Name Bentivoglio
Died on November 30, 1518
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Annibale II Bentivoglio

First Name Annibale
Born on November 30, 1468
Died on June 24, 1540 (aged 71)

Annibale II Bentivoglio was an Italian condottiero, who was shortly lord of Bologna in 1511–1512. He was the last member of his family to hold power in the city. He was the son of Giovanni II Bentivoglio.

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Francesca Bentivoglio

First Name Francesca
Last Name Bentivoglio
Born on February 18, 1468
Died on November 30, 1503 (aged 35)
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Laura Bentivoglio

First Name Laura
Last Name Bentivoglio
Died on November 30, 1522
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Ermes Bentivoglio

First Name Ermes
Born on November 30, 1474
Died on November 30, 1512 (aged 38)

Ermes Bentivoglio (1475–1513) was an Italian condottiero, the son of Giovanni II Bentivoglio, lord of Bologna, and Ginevra Sforza, daughter of Alessandro Sforza, lord of Pesaro.

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Antongaleazzo Bentivoglio

First Name Antongaleazzo
Born on January 1, 1385
Died on December 23, 1435 (aged 50)

Antongaleazzo Bentivoglio was an Italian condottiero who was executed by the papacy for treason.

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Annibale I Bentivoglio

First Name Annibale
Born on January 1, 1413
Died on June 24, 1445 (aged 32)

Annibale I Bentivoglio was a famous member of the Bolognese Bentivoglio family and the absolute ruler of the Italian city of Bologna from 1443 until his death.

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Antongaleazzo Bentivoglio

First Name Antongaleazzo
Born on November 30, 1471
Died on November 30, 1524 (aged 53)
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