List of Famous people with last name Bearn

Gaston VII, Viscount of Béarn

First Name Gaston
Last Name Béarn
Born on January 1, 1225
Died on April 26, 1290 (aged 65)

Gaston VII de Montcada, called Froissard, was the twentieth Viscount of Béarn from 1229. He was the son and heir of Guillermo II de Montcada and of Garsenda, daughter of Alfonso II of Provence and Garsenda of Forcalquier. He was succeeded by Roger Bernard III of Foix.

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Constance of Béarn

First Name Constance
Last Name Béarn
Born on November 30, 1244
Died on April 26, 1310 (aged 65)

Constance was suo jure Viscountess of Marsan as well as titular Countess of Bigorre, daughter of Gaston VII, Viscount of Béarn and his first wife Martha of Marsan. Constance inherited all of her titles from her mother and contended to inherit her father's Viscounty of Béarn. She was married three times during her lifetime, marrying into the royal families of Aragon, Castile and England. "

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Gaston IV, Viscount of Béarn

First Name Gaston
Last Name Béarn
Born on November 30, 1073
Died on January 1, 1130 (aged 56)

Gaston IV was viscount of Béarn from 1090 to 1131. He was called "le Croisé" due to his participation in the First Crusade as part of the army of Raymond of Saint-Gilles.

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Centule V, Viscount of Béarn

First Name Centule
Died on January 1, 1090

Centule V, called the Young, was the Viscount of Béarn from 1058 to his death. Centule increased the autonomy of the viscounts of Béarn and distanced them from the dukes of Aquitaine, to whom they owed theoretical vassalage. Centule was also Count of Bigorre jure uxoris as Centule I.

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Mary, Viscount of Béarn

First Name Mary,
Last Name Béarn
Born on November 30, 1144
Died on January 1, 1186 (aged 41)

Mary was a Viscountess of Béarn, Gabardan, and Brulhois from 1170 to 1171 in her own right.

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William Raymond, Viscount of Béarn

First Name William
Last Name Béarn
Died on January 1, 1224
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Guiscarda, Viscountess of Béarn

First Name Guiscarda,
Died on November 30, 1153

Guiscarda was the ruling Viscountess of Béarn in 1134, and acted as regent during the minority of her son in 1134-1147, as well as for her grandson in 1153-1154.

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Gaston VI, Viscount of Béarn

First Name Gaston
Last Name Béarn
Born on January 1, 1165
Died on January 1, 1214 (aged 49)

Gaston VI (1173–1214), called the Good, was the Viscount of Béarn, Gabardan, and Brulhois from 1173. He was also Count of Bigorre and Viscount of Marsan through his marriage in 1196 to Petronilla, the daughter of Countess Stephanie-Beatrice of Bigorre.

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Peter I, Viscount of Béarn

First Name Peter
Last Name Béarn
Born on November 30, 1118
Died on January 1, 1153 (aged 34)

Peter II was the Viscount of Béarn from 1134 to his death. He was also the viscount of Gabardan, Brulhois, and Gabarret.

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William I, Viscount of Béarn

First Name William
Last Name Béarn
Born on January 1, 1200
Died on January 1, 1172

William I, called Guillem de Montcada II, was the Viscount of Béarn from 1171 to 1173 with opposition.

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