List of Famous people with last name Bastid

Suzanne Bastid

Suzanne Marie Berthe Basdevant
First Name Suzanne
Born on August 15, 1906
Died on March 2, 1995 (aged 88)
Born in France, Brittany

Suzanne Basdevant Bastid was a French professor of law who specialized in international public law. She became a widely respected authority, lectured in many institutions, was for 30 years professor at the Faculty of Law of Paris and was a judge in the International Court of Justice. She was the first woman to become professor of Law in France and the first woman to be a member of the Institut de France, which is the most prestigious learned society of France.

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Paul Bastid

Paul Raymond Marie Bastid
First Name Paul
Last Name Bastid
Born on May 17, 1892
Died on October 29, 1974 (aged 82)

Paul Raymond Marie Bastid was a French lawyer, academic and radical politician who was a national deputy from 1924 to 1942 in the French Third Republic, and from 1945 to 1951 in the French Fourth Republic. He was Minister of Commerce from 1936 to 1937. During and after World War II (1939–45) he was involved in discussions about France's position in a future European federation. He was a prolific author on subjects that ranged from law and history to fiction and poetry.

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