List of Famous people with last name Ballantyne

Priscilla Sarah Anne Ballantyne

First Name Priscilla
Last Name Ballantyne
Born on January 8, 1943 (age 81)
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Frederick Ballantyne

First Name Frederick
Last Name Ballantyne
Born on July 5, 1936
Died on January 23, 2020 (aged 83)

Sir Frederick Nathaniel Ballantyne, GCMG was the Governor-General of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines from 2002–2019. A trained cardiologist and former chief medical officer of the country, he was appointed governor-general on 2 September 2002. He succeeded Dame Monica Dacon, who had been acting in the position after the death of Charles Antrobus.

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Walter Theodore William Ballantyne

First Name Walter
Last Name Ballantyne
Born on December 19, 1898
Died on January 1, 1971 (aged 72)
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Walter Ballantyne

First Name Walter
Last Name Ballantyne
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Don't know him/her
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