List of Famous people with last name Auckland

William Eden, 1st Baron Auckland

First Name William
Last Name Auckland
Born on April 3, 1745
Died on May 28, 1814 (aged 69)

William Eden, 1st Baron Auckland, PC (Ire), FRS was a British diplomat and politician who sat in the British House of Commons from 1774 to 1793.

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George Eden, 1st Earl of Auckland

First Name George
Last Name Auckland
Born on August 25, 1784
Died on January 1, 1849 (aged 64)

George Eden, 1st Earl of Auckland, was an English Whig politician and colonial administrator. He was thrice First Lord of the Admiralty and also served as Governor-General of India between 1836 and 1842.

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Ian Eden, 9th Baron Auckland

First Name Ian
Last Name Auckland
Born on June 23, 1926
Died on July 28, 1997 (aged 71)
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Derek Foster, Baron Foster of Bishop Auckland

First Name Derek
Last Name Auckland
Born on June 25, 1937
Died on January 5, 2019 (aged 81)

Derek Foster, Baron Foster of Bishop Auckland, was a British Labour politician who served as Member of Parliament for Bishop Auckland, in County Durham, from 1979 to 2005.

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Geoffrey Eden, 7th Baron Auckland

First Name Geoffrey
Last Name Auckland
Born on February 17, 1891
Died on June 21, 1955 (aged 64)
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Terence Eden, 8th Baron Auckland

First Name Terence
Born on November 3, 1892
Died on September 14, 1957 (aged 64)
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Don't know him/her
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