List of Famous people with last name Armas

Ana de Armas

Ana Celia de Armas Caso
First Name Ana
Last Name Armas
Born on April 30, 1988 (age 36)
Height 168 cm | 5'6

Ana Celia de Armas Caso is a Cuban-Spanish actress. She began her career as a teenager in her home country of Cuba and most notably had a leading role in the romantic drama Una rosa de Francia (2006). At the age of 18, she moved to Madrid, Spain and starred in the popular teen drama El Internado for six seasons from 2007 to 2010.

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Chris Armas

Chris Armas is an American professional soccer coach and former player. He is currently the head coach of Toronto FC.

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Carlos Castillo Armas

Carlos Alberto Castillo Armas
First Name Carlos
Last Name Armas
Born on November 4, 1914
Died on July 26, 1957 (aged 42)
Born in Guatemala

Carlos Castillo Armas was a Guatemalan military officer and politician who was the 28th president of Guatemala, serving from 1954 to 1957 after taking power in a coup d'état. A member of the right-wing National Liberation Movement (MLN) party, his authoritarian government was closely allied with the United States.

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Reynaldo Armas

First Name Reynaldo
Born on August 4, 1953 (age 70)
Born in Venezuela

Reinaldo Armas Enguaima, better known as Reynaldo Armas, is a Venezuelan llanero singer and composer.

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Felipe Armas

First Name Felipe
Last Name Armas
Born on September 29, 1957 (age 66)
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Alejandro Balan Armas

First Name Alejandro
Last Name Armas
Born on January 29, 1996 (age 28)
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