List of Famous people with last name Allman

Elijah Blue Allman

First Name Elijah
Last Name Allman
Born on July 10, 1976 (age 48)

Elijah Blue Allman, known professionally as P. Exeter Blue, is an American musician, and the son of singer Cher and her second husband, Gregg Allman. He is the half-brother of Chaz Bono, Delilah Allman, Michael Allman, Layla Allman, and Devon Allman. Elijah is the lead vocalist, guitarrist and lyricist of the industrial metal band Deadsy.

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Valarie Allman

First Name Valarie
Born on February 23, 1995 (age 30)

Valarie Carolyn Allman is an American track and field athlete specializing in the discus throw.

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Devon Allman

First Name Devon
Last Name Allman
Born on August 10, 1972 (age 52)

Devon Allman is an American guitarist, vocalist, keyboardist, songwriter, and record producer. He is the son of musician Gregg Allman and has appeared occasionally as a guest musician for Gregg Allman and The Allman Brothers Band. In addition, he is the now ex-stepson of musician Cher. Allman was the founder and bandleader of Honeytribe, also known as Devon Allman's Honeytribe, with whom he released two albums and toured across North America and Europe. Prior to Honeytribe, Allman contributed to several other musical recordings, notably Vargas Blues Band and the A Song for My Father compilation album. He was one of the original members of Royal Southern Brotherhood and contributed to their first two studio albums and toured with them. In 2013, Allman launched his solo career as the Devon Allman Band, and has since released three albums. His latest tour, branded as the Devon Allman Project, features special guest Duane Betts.

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Jamie Anne Allman

First Name Jamie
Last Name Allman
Born on January 1, 2000 (age 25)
Height 170 cm | 5'7

Jamie Anne Allman is an American actress. She is known for her role as Terry Marek on AMC's The Killing.

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Marshall Allman

Marshall Scot Allman
First Name Marshall
Last Name Allman
Born on April 5, 1984 (age 40)
Height 166 cm | 5'5

Marshall Scot Allman is an American actor. He is known to television audiences for his role as L. J. Burrows on Fox's successful television series, Prison Break. He is also known for playing Tommy Mickens on True Blood.

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Eric Allman

First Name Eric
Last Name Allman
Born on September 2, 1955 (age 69)

Eric Paul Allman is an American computer programmer who developed sendmail and its precursor delivermail in the late 1970s and early 1980s at UC Berkeley. In 1998, Allman and Greg Olson co-founded the company Sendmail, Inc.

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