List of Famous people with last name Allardice

George Allardice

First Name George
Last Name Allardice
Born on November 30, 1671
Died on October 5, 1709 (aged 37)
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Sarah Anne Allardice

First Name Sarah
Last Name Allardice
Born on July 13, 1757
Died on July 7, 1833 (aged 75)
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Mary Allardice

First Name Mary
Last Name Allardice
Born on August 18, 1663 (age 360)
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Sir John Allardice

First Name Sir
Born on December 12, 1641
Died on March 31, 1676 (aged 34)
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Helen Allardice

First Name Helen
Last Name Allardice
Born on July 18, 1697
Died on January 18, 1746 (aged 48)
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Robert Barclay Allardice

First Name Robert
Last Name Allardice
Born on August 25, 1779
Died on May 8, 1854 (aged 74)

Robert Barclay Allardice of Ury, generally known as Captain Barclay, was a notable Scottish walker of the early 19th century, known as the celebrated pedestrian. His most famous feat was walking 1000 miles in 1000 hours for 1000 guineas in 1809. He is considered the father of the 19th-century sport of pedestrianism, a precursor to racewalking.

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Mary Allardice

First Name Mary
Last Name Allardice
Born on October 11, 1693 (age 330)
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James Allardice of Allardice

First Name James
Last Name Allardice
Born on July 25, 1693
Died on April 30, 1728 (aged 34)
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Magdalen Allardice

First Name Magdalen
Born on April 16, 1655 (age 369)
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Don't know him/her

John Allardice

First Name John
Last Name Allardice
Died on September 9, 1547
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Don't know him/her
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