List of Famous people with last name Al-atrash

Laila al-Atrash

First Name Laila
Last Name Al-Atrash
Born on November 30, 1947
Died on October 17, 2021 (aged 73)

Laila al-Atrash is a Palestinian/Jordanian writer and journalist. She is the author of half a dozen novels, one of which was translated into English by Nura Nuwayhid Halwani and Christopher Tingley. Atrash is also noted for her journalism, especially her documentaries on leading figures of Arabic culture. She serves as the President of PEN Jordan.

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Lilia al-Atrash

First Name Lilia
Born on August 18, 1981 (age 42)

Lilia al-Atrash is Syrian television actress. She started her career with the famous actor and writer Yasser al-Azma in the sitcom Maraya.

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Jihad Al-Atrash

First Name Jihad
Born on August 28, 1943 (age 80)

Jihad Al-Atrash is a Lebanese actor and voice actor.

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