List of Famous people with last name Afridi

Shahid Afridi

Sahibzada Mohammad Shahid Khan Afridi
First Name Shahid
Last Name Afridi
Born on March 1, 1980 (age 44)
Height 182 cm | 6'0

Sahibzada Mohammad Shahid Khan Afridi, chiefly known as Shahid Afridi, also referred to in the media as Boom Boom, is a Pakistani international cricketer and the former captain of the Pakistan national cricket team. As a successful all-rounder, Afridi was respected for his consistent bowling that relied on change of pace rather than spin, but he drew greater attention for his aggressive batting style. Afridi was the world record holder for the fastest ODI century in 37 deliveries and holds the distinction of having hit the most sixes in the history of ODI cricket.

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Riaz Afridi

First Name Riaz
Last Name Afridi
Born on January 21, 1985 (age 39)

Riaz Afridi is a Pakistani cricket coach and cricketer.

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Yasir Afridi

First Name Yasir
Last Name Afridi
Born on July 27, 1988 (age 35)

Yasir Afridi is a Pakistani footballer who plays for Khan Research Laboratories and Pakistan national football team as a midfielder. He was part of the Pakistani football team during the 2010 Asian Games.

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Javed Afridi

First Name Javed
Last Name Afridi
Born on August 14, 1985 (age 38)

Muhammad Javed Afridi is a Pakistani business executive and entrepreneur.

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Shakil Afridi

First Name Shakil
Born on January 1, 1962 (age 62)

Shakil Afridi, or Shakeel Afridi, is a Pakistani physician who helped the CIA run a fake hepatitis vaccine program in Abbottabad, Pakistan, to confirm Osama bin Laden's presence in the city by obtaining DNA samples. Details of his activities emerged during the Pakistani investigation of the deadly raid on bin Laden's residence. This account is disputed in a recent account of events which implies Afridi was implicated as a cover for the real CIA operative. Afridi was arrested at the Torkham border crossing while trying to flee the country days after the raid. On 23 May 2012, he was sentenced to 33 years' imprisonment for treason, initially believed to be in connection with the bin Laden raid, but later revealed to be due to alleged ties with a local Islamist warlord Mangal Bagh. Lawyers appealed against the verdict on 1 June 2012. On 29 August 2013, his sentence was overturned and a retrial ordered.

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Mirza Muhammad Afridi

First Name Mirza
Last Name Afridi
Born on November 30, 1999 (age 24)

Mirza Khaqan Afridi is a Pakistani politician who has been a Member of the Senate of Pakistan, since March 2018 and Deputy Chairman of the Senate of Pakistan since 12th March 2021.

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