List of Famous people with last name Abernethy

Maria Abernethy

First Name Maria
Last Name Abernethy
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Alexander Fraser, 18th Lord Saltoun of Abernethy

First Name Alexander
Last Name Abernethy
Born on May 5, 1820
Died on February 1, 1886 (aged 65)
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George Fraser, 15th Lord Saltoun of Abernethy

First Name George
Last Name Abernethy
Born on October 10, 1720
Died on August 30, 1781 (aged 60)
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Alexander Abernethy, 6th Lord Saltoun

First Name Alexander
Last Name Saltoun
Died on March 31, 1587

Alexander Abernethy, 6th Lord Saltoun was a Scottish landowner and courtier.

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Alexander Abernethy, 4th Lord Saltoun of Abernethy

First Name Alexander
Last Name Abernethy
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Laurence Abernethy, 1st Lord Saltoun of Abernethy

First Name Laurence
Last Name Abernethy
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James Abernethy, 3rd Lord Saltoun of Abernethy

First Name James
Last Name Abernethy
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Alexander Fraser, 13th Lord Saltoun of Abernethy

First Name Alexander
Last Name Abernethy
Born on January 1, 1684
Died on July 24, 1748 (aged 64)
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Janet Abernethy

First Name Janet
Last Name Abernethy
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Alexander Fraser, 16th Lord Saltoun of Abernethy

First Name Alexander
Last Name Abernethy
Born on June 27, 1758
Died on September 13, 1793 (aged 35)
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Don't know him/her
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