List of Famous people born in Vigo, Spain

Pedro Alonso

Pedro González Alonso
First Name Pedro
Last Name Alonso
Born on June 21, 1971 (age 53)
Born in Spain, Galicia

Pedro González Alonso o'choro is a Spanish actor, writer and artist. He is best known for his role of Andrés "Berlin" de Fonollosa in the Spanish heist series Money Heist and for the role of Diego Murquía in the historical drama series Gran Hotel.

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Luis Barboo

First Name Luis
Last Name Barboo
Born on March 20, 1927
Died on September 30, 2001 (aged 74)
Born in Spain, Galicia

Luis Barboo was a Spanish actor.

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Eduardo Gasset Chinchilla

First Name Eduardo
Last Name Chinchilla
Born on July 28, 1865
Died on April 3, 1932 (aged 66)
Born in Spain, Galicia
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Carmela Silva

First Name Carmela
Last Name Silva
Born on November 26, 1960 (age 63)
Born in Spain, Galicia
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Jonathan Castro Otto

First Name Jonathan
Last Name Otto
Born on March 3, 1994 (age 30)
Born in Spain, Galicia
Height 175 cm | 5'9

Jonathan Castro Otto, commonly known as Jonny, is a Spanish professional footballer who plays for Premier League club Wolverhampton Wanderers and the Spain national team as a right or left back.

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Leopoldo Eijo y Garay

First Name Leopoldo
Born on April 11, 1878
Died on July 31, 1963 (aged 85)
Born in Spain, Galicia
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Cesáreo González

First Name Cesáreo
Born on May 29, 1903
Died on March 20, 1968 (aged 64)
Born in Spain, Galicia

Cesáreo González Rodríguez was a Spanish film producer.

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Iago Falque

First Name Iago
Last Name Falque
Born on January 4, 1990 (age 34)
Born in Spain, Galicia
Height 174 cm | 5'9

Iago Falque Silva is a Spanish professional footballer who plays as a forward for Italian club Benevento on loan from Torino.

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Born on January 21, 1923
Died on June 12, 2012 (aged 89)
Born in Spain, Galicia

Manuel Fernández Fernández, known as Pahiño, was a Spanish footballer who played as a striker.

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Carlos Núñez

First Name Carlos
Last Name Núñez
Born in Spain, Galicia

Carlos Núñez Muñoz is a Galician musician and multi-instrumentalist who plays the gaita, the traditional Galician bagpipe, Galician flute, ocarina, Irish flute, whistle and low whistle.

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