List of Famous people born in Oradea, Romania

Dániel Zsóri

First Name Dániel
Last Name Zsóri
Born on October 14, 2000 (age 23)
Born in Bihor County

Dániel Zsóri is a Romanian-born Hungarian professional footballer who plays as a forward for Budafok, on loan from Fehérvár.

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Ákos Kriza

First Name Ákos
Born on February 10, 1965
Died on January 18, 2021 (aged 55)

Ákos Kriza was a Hungarian politician. Kriza was a member of Fidesz and served as mayor of Miskolc from 3 October 2010 to 13 October 2019.

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Kati Lázár

Lazarovits Katalin
First Name Kati
Last Name Lázár
Born on December 14, 1948 (age 75)
Born in Bihor County

Kati Lázár is a Hungarian actress. She appeared in more than eighty films since 1972.

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Péter Cseke

First Name Péter
Last Name Cseke
Born on October 3, 1953 (age 70)
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Zoltán Bálint

Bleyer Zoltán
First Name Zoltán
Born on March 6, 1871
Died on January 17, 1939 (aged 67)
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Francis Rhédey

First Name Francis
Last Name Rhédey
Born on January 1, 1610
Died on May 13, 1667 (aged 57)

Count Francis Rhédey de Kisréde was a Hungarian noble, who served as Prince of Transylvania between 1657 and 1658.

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Lili Muráti

Muráti Teodóra Aurélia
First Name Lili
Last Name Muráti
Born on July 22, 1914
Died on April 16, 2003 (aged 88)
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Eliezer Berkovits

First Name Eliezer
Born on September 8, 1908
Died on August 20, 1992 (aged 83)
Born in Bihor County

Eliezer Berkovits, was a rabbi, theologian, and educator in the tradition of Orthodox Judaism.

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Péter Pázmány

First Name Péter
Last Name Pázmány
Born on October 4, 1570
Died on March 19, 1637 (aged 66)
Born in Bihor County

Péter Pázmány, S.J., was a Hungarian Jesuit who was a noted philosopher, theologian, cardinal, pulpit orator and statesman. He was an important figure in the Counter-Reformation in Royal Hungary.

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József Nagysándor

First Name József
Last Name Nagysándor
Died on October 6, 1849

József Nagysándor was a honvéd general in the Hungarian Army. He was executed for his part in the Hungarian Revolution of 1848, and is considered one of the 13 Martyrs of Arad.

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