List of Famous people born in Hebron Governorate

Mohammad Khaleel Jamjoum

First Name Mohammad
Last Name Jamjoum
Born on January 1, 1904
Died on June 17, 1930 (aged 26)
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Jibril Rajoub

First Name Jibril
Last Name Rajoub
Born on May 14, 1953 (age 71)

Jibril Mahmoud Muhammad Rajoub, also known by his kunya Abu Rami, is a Palestinian political leader, legislator, and former militant. He leads the Palestinian Football Association and the Palestine Olympic Committee. He was the head of the Preventive Security Force in the West Bank until being dismissed in 2002. He had been a member of the Fatah Revolutionary Council until 2009 and was elected to the Fatah Central Committee at the party's 2009 congress, serving as Deputy-Secretary until 2017, before being elected Secretary General of the Central Committee in 2017.

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Dima Tahboub

First Name Dima
Last Name Tahboub
Born on November 30, 1975 (age 49)

Dima Tahboub is a writer, political analyst, member of Jordan's Muslim Brotherhood, and media spokesperson of the Jordanian Islamic Action Front in English.

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