List of Famous people born in Edirne Province

Mehmed the Conqueror

First Name Mehmed
Last Name Conqueror
Born on March 30, 1432
Died on May 3, 1481 (aged 49)
Born in Edirne Province

Mehmed II, commonly known as Mehmed the Conqueror, was an Ottoman Sultan who ruled from August 1444 to September 1446, and then later from February 1451 to May 1481. In Mehmed II's first reign, he defeated the crusade led by John Hunyadi after the Hungarian incursions into his country broke the conditions of the truce Peace of Szeged. When Mehmed II ascended the throne again in 1451 he strengthened the Ottoman navy and made preparations to attack Constantinople. At the age of 21, he conquered Constantinople and brought an end to the Byzantine Empire.

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Bayezid I

First Name Bayezid
Last Name I
Born on March 8, 1354
Died on March 8, 1403 (aged 49)
Born in Edirne Province

Bayezid I was the Ottoman Sultan from 1389 to 1402. He was the son of Murad I and Gülçiçek Hatun. He built one of the largest armies in the known world at the time and unsuccessfully besieged Constantinople. He adopted the title of Sultan-i Rûm, Rûm being an old Islamic name for the Roman Empire. He decisively defeated the Crusaders at Nicopolis in 1396, and was himself defeated and captured by Timur at the Battle of Ankara in 1402 and died in captivity in March 1403, triggering the Ottoman Interregnum.

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Acun Ilıcalı

First Name Acun
Born on May 29, 1969 (age 55)
Born in Edirne Province

Ali Acun Ilıcalı is a Turkish television icon, entrepreneur, international TV producer and businessman. He is the owner of TV channels TV8 and TV8.5, as well as production companies in countries such as the United States, Mexico, Romania, Hungary, Brazil, Colombia and Greece. He is the founder and chairman of Acun Medya production company that produces shows to broadcasting channels around the world.

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Mustafa II

First Name Mustafa
Last Name II
Born on June 5, 1664
Died on December 1, 1703 (aged 39)
Born in Edirne Province

Mustafa II was the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire from 1695 to 1703.

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Şehzade Cem Sultan

First Name Şehzade
Born on December 22, 1459
Died on March 6, 1495 (aged 35)
Born in Edirne Province

Cem Sultan or Sultan Cem, was a claimant to the Ottoman throne in the 15th century.

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Cem Adrian

Cem Filiz
First Name Cem
Last Name Adrian
Born on November 30, 1980 (age 43)
Born in Edirne Province

Cem Filiz, better known by his stage name Cem Adrian, is a Turkish musician, singer-songwriter and record producer.

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Hatice Sultan

First Name Hatice
Last Name Sultan
Born on January 1, 1496
Died on January 1, 1538 (aged 42)
Born in Edirne Province

Hatice Sultan was an Ottoman princess, daughter of Sultan Selim I and Hafsa Sultan. She was the sister of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent.

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Osman III

First Name Osman
Last Name III
Born on January 2, 1699
Died on October 30, 1757 (aged 58)
Born in Edirne Province

Osman III was the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire from 1754 to 1757.

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Yiğit Bulut

First Name Yiğit
Last Name Bulut
Born on January 1, 1972 (age 52)
Born in Edirne Province

Yiğit Bulut is a Turkish journalist and a senior advisor to President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. He was editor-in-chief at news channels Habertürk TV (2009–2012) and Kanal 24 (2012–2013). He was also a contributor to the daily newspapers Radikal (2001–2007), Vatan and Referans, Habertürk (2009–2012) and Star (2012–2013). He was appointed a senior advisor to current President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan while he was serving as Prime Minister in July 2013. His appointment drew criticism for remarks he had made about the 2013 protests in Turkey that had alleged various conspiracies aimed at toppling Erdoğan, including a claim that foreign forces were trying to murder Erdoğan using "telekinesis and other methods".

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Şahin Giray

First Name Şahin
Last Name Giray
Born on January 1, 1745
Died on January 1, 1787 (aged 42)
Born in Edirne Province

Şahin Giray, Shahin Khan Girai was the last Khan of Crimea on two occasions.

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