List of Famous people born in Béjaïa Province, Algeria

Wassyla Tamzali

First Name Wassyla
Born on July 10, 1941 (age 83)

Wassyla Tamzali is an Algerian writer, lawyer, and feminist.

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Mustapha Dahleb

First Name Mustapha
Last Name Dahleb
Born on February 8, 1952 (age 72)
Height 172 cm | 5'8

Mustapha Dahleb is an Algerian former professional footballer who played as a midfielder. Having begun his career at CS Sedan and CR Belouizdad, he spent most of his career at Paris Saint-Germain before playing a final season at OGC Nice. At international level, Dahleb represented the Algeria national football team.

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Kenza Farah

Farah Kenza Maouche
First Name Kenza
Born on July 8, 1986 (age 38)

Kenza Farah is a Franco-Algerian singer-songwriter. Her album Authentik won gold in its second week. It was followed up by Avec le coeur and Trésor.

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Rachid Dali

First Name Rachid
Last Name Dali
Born on December 30, 1947
Died on September 23, 2021 (aged 73)
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Karim Younes

First Name Karim
Last Name Younes
Born on January 1, 1948 (age 76)
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Thomas Thouroude

First Name Thomas
Last Name Thouroude
Born on January 17, 1980 (age 44)
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