List of Famous people who are 97

Jimmy Carter

James Earl Carter Jr.
First Name Jimmy
Born on October 1, 1924 (age 100)
Height 175 cm | 5'9

James Earl Carter Jr. is an American politician and philanthropist who served as the 39th president of the United States from 1977 to 1981. A member of the Democratic Party, he previously served as a Georgia State Senator from 1963 to 1967 and as the 76th governor of Georgia from 1971 to 1975. Since leaving the presidency, Carter has remained engaged in political and social projects as a private citizen. In 2002, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his work in co-founding the Carter Center.

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Black Dahlia

Elizabeth Short
First Name Black
Last Name Dahlia
Born on July 29, 1924
Died on January 15, 1947 (aged 22)

Elizabeth Short, known posthumously as the "Black Dahlia", was an American woman who was found murdered in the Leimert Park neighborhood of Los Angeles, California. Her case became highly publicized due to the graphic nature of the crime, which included her corpse having been mutilated and bisected at the waist.

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Eva Marie Saint

First Name Eva
Last Name Saint
Born on July 4, 1924 (age 100)
Height 163 cm | 5'4

Eva Marie Saint is an American actress. In a career spanning over 75 years, she is best known for starring in Elia Kazan's On the Waterfront (1954) and in Alfred Hitchcock's North by Northwest (1959). The former won her the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress. Upon the death of Olivia de Havilland in 2020, she became the oldest living and earliest surviving Academy Award winner and one of the last surviving stars from the Golden Age of Hollywood cinema.

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Eli Cohen

First Name Eli
Born on December 6, 1924
Died on May 18, 1965 (aged 40)

Eliyahu Ben-Shaul Cohen, commonly known as Eli Cohen, was an Israeli spy. He is best known for his espionage work in 1961–65 in Syria, where he developed close relationships with the Syrian political and military hierarchy, and became the chief adviser to the Minister of Defense.

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Charlie Munger

First Name Charlie
Last Name Munger
Born on January 1, 1924 (age 101)
Net Worth $2.0B

Charles Thomas Munger is an American billionaire investor, businessman, former real estate attorney, architectural designer, and philanthropist. He is vice chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, the conglomerate controlled by Warren Buffett; Buffett has described Munger as his partner. Munger served as chairman of Wesco Financial Corporation from 1984 through 2011. He is also chairman of the Daily Journal Corporation, based in Los Angeles, California, and a director of Costco Wholesale Corporation.

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Helmut Oberlander

First Name Helmut
Born on February 15, 1924
Died on September 20, 2021 (aged 97)

Helmut Oberlander is a former naturalized Canadian citizen who was a member of the Einsatzgruppen death squads of Nazi Germany in the occupied Soviet Union during World War II. Oberlander is on the Simon Wiesenthal Center's list of most wanted Nazi war criminals. Beginning in 1994, the Government of Canada made several attempts to revoke Oberlander's citizenship, on the basis of his having withheld or misrepresented his involvement with Nazi war crimes.

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Russell M. Nelson

First Name Russell
Last Name Nelson
Born on September 9, 1924 (age 100)

Russell Marion Nelson Sr. is an American religious leader and former surgeon who is the 17th and current president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Nelson was a member of the LDS Church's Quorum of the Twelve Apostles for nearly 34 years, and was the quorum president from 2015 to 2018. As church president, Nelson is accepted by the church as a prophet, seer, and revelator.

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Timothy Evans

First Name Timothy
Last Name Evans
Born on November 20, 1924
Died on March 9, 1950 (aged 25)

Timothy John Evans was a Welshman wrongfully accused of the murder of his wife and infant daughter at their residence at 10 Rillington Place in Notting Hill, London. In January 1950, Evans was tried and convicted for the murder of his daughter, and he was executed by hanging in March of the same year.

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Zoya Boguslavskaya

First Name Zoya
Born in Russia

Zoya Borisovna Boguslavskaya is a Soviet and Russian writer, novelist, essayist, playwright, author of major cultural projects in Russia and abroad.

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Jimmy Doyle

First Name Jimmy
Born on August 1, 1924
Died on June 25, 1947 (aged 22)

James Emerson Delaney, known professionally as Jimmy Doyle, was an American welterweight boxer.

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