List of Famous people who are 9

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Princess Estelle, Duchess of Östergötland

Estelle Silvia Ewa Mary
First Name Princess
Last Name Östergötland
Born on February 23, 2012 (age 12)

Princess Estelle of Sweden, Duchess of Östergötland is the elder child and only daughter of Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel, Duke of Västergötland. She is the eldest grandchild of King Carl XVI Gustaf, and is second in line of succession to the Swedish throne.

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Lady Charlotte Diana Spencer

First Name Lady
Last Name Spencer
Born on July 30, 2012 (age 12)
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Isla Phillips

Isla Elizabeth Phillips
First Name Isla
Last Name Phillips
Born on March 29, 2012 (age 12)
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Aden Housley

First Name Aden
Last Name Housley
Born on November 12, 2012 (age 12)
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Princess Athena of Denmark

First Name Princess
Last Name Denmark
Born on January 24, 2012 (age 12)

Princess Athena of Denmark, Countess of Monpezat, is the younger child and only daughter of Prince Joachim and Princess Marie of Denmark.

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Blue Ivy Carter

First Name Blue
Last Name Carter
Born on January 7, 2012 (age 13)

Blue Ivy Carter is an American singer. She became the youngest winner of a BET Award at the age of eight when she won the BET Her Award in 2020 for her collaboration on "Brown Skin Girl", a single by Carter, her mother Beyoncé, Wizkid, and Saint Jhn. She won an NAACP Image Award and received the Grammy Award for Best Music Video for the same song, becoming the second youngest person to win a Grammy Award.

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Spencer Frederick Trump

First Name Spencer
Last Name Trump
Born on October 21, 2012 (age 12)
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Penelope Disick

First Name Penelope
Last Name Disick
Born on July 8, 2012 (age 12)
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Rocky Prinze

First Name Rocky
Last Name Prinze
Born on September 21, 2012 (age 12)
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Don't know him/her

Lilah-Rose Rodriguez

First Name Lilah-Rose
Born on February 29, 2012 (age 12)
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Don't know him/her
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