List of Famous people with last name Ostergotland

Princess Estelle, Duchess of Östergötland

Estelle Silvia Ewa Mary
First Name Princess
Last Name Östergötland
Born on February 23, 2012 (age 12)

Princess Estelle of Sweden, Duchess of Östergötland is the elder child and only daughter of Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel, Duke of Västergötland. She is the eldest grandchild of King Carl XVI Gustaf, and is second in line of succession to the Swedish throne.

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Magnus, Duke of Östergötland

First Name Magnus,
Last Name Östergötland
Died on June 26, 1595

Magnus Vasa, prince of Sweden, Duke of Östergötland from 1555. Magnus was the third son of King Gustav Vasa. His mother was queen Margareta Leijonhufvud.

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John, Duke of Östergötland

First Name John,
Last Name Östergötland
Born on April 18, 1589
Died on March 5, 1618 (aged 28)

John of Sweden, Duke of Östergötland was a Swedish royal dynast. He was titular Duke of Finland 1590–1606 and reigning Duke of Östergötland 1606–18.

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