Zourah Ali

Zourah Ali

Zourah Ali is a Djiboutian runner. She competed at the 2012 Summer Olympics in the 400m event, which she completed in 1:05.37 minutes. She did not place high enough in her heat to be qualified to the semifinals as she finished in 44th place and with the second slowest time in that race. After the Olympics, Zourah was sponsored by the Republican Guard, which is the branch of military that guards the president. Zourah was the only female athlete for the Republican Guard for a period of time, but with the addition of athletes such as Kadra Mohamed Dembil, they expanded their female team. She was the flag bearer for Djibouti at the opening ceremony.

From *.wikipedia.org,
General Info
Date of Birth
November 23rd, 1994
Birth Place
Djibouti, Ali Sabieh Region
Star Sign
162 cm | 5'4
Social Networks , Links
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