Yves Montand

Yves Montand
Yves Montand

Ivo Livi, better known as Yves Montand, was an Italian-French actor and singer.

From *.wikipedia.org,
General Info
Full Name
Ivo Livi
Date of Birth
October 13rd, 1921
Birth Place
Italy, Tuscany
Date of Death
November 9th, 1991
Died Aged
Star Sign
187 cm | 6'2
Social Networks , Links
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Mario Livi in The Wages of Fear
Z in Z
Cesar Soubeyran dit 'Le Papet' in Jean de Florette
Cesar Soubeyran dit 'Le Papet' in Manon des Sources
Jansen in Le Cercle rouge
Jean-Pierre Sarti in Grand Prix
Jean-Marc Clément in Let's Make Love
Philip Michael Santore in State of Siege
Gérard in The Confession
Le procureur Henri Volney in I as in Icarus
César in César and Rosalie
Diego Mora in The War Is Over
Inspecteur Marc Ferrot in Police Python 357
Noel Durieux in Choice of Arms
Martin in Lovers Like Us
Paul Robaix in My Geisha
Jean Diego in Gates of the Night
Le baron César Maricorne in The Devil by the Tail
Michel Follin in Womanlight
Henri Savin in La Menace
Victor Valance in All Fired Up
Alex in Waiter!
John Proctor in The Crucible
Robert Colomb in Live for Life
Morland in The Big Operator
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