William Maynard Gomm

William Maynard Gomm
William Maynard Gomm

Field Marshal Sir William Maynard Gomm was a British Army officer. After taking part in the Anglo-Russian invasion of Holland, he served in most of the battles of the Napoleonic Wars. During the Hundred Days he took part in both the Battle of Quatre Bras and the Battle of Waterloo. He went on to be Commander of the troops in Jamaica and in that role established new barracks at Newcastle, Jamaica, high in the mountains. After that he became Governor of Mauritius and, finally, Commander-in-Chief, India, in which role he introduced promotion examinations for officers.

From *.wikipedia.org,
General Info
Date of Birth
November 10th, 1784
Date of Death
March 15th, 1875
Died Aged
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