Vera Farmiga

Vera Farmiga
Vera Farmiga

Vera Ann Farmiga is an American actress, director, and producer. She began her professional acting career on stage in the original Broadway production of Taking Sides (1996). Farmiga made her television debut in the Fox fantasy adventure series Roar (1997), and her feature film debut in the drama-thriller Return to Paradise (1998).

From *,
General Info
Full Name
Vera Ann Farmiga
Date of Birth
August 6th, 1973
Birth Place
United States of America, New Jersey
Star Sign
166 cm | 5'5
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Lorraine Warren in The Conjuring
Colleen Goodwin in Source Code
Alex Goran in Up in the Air
Lorraine Warren in The Conjuring 2
Kate in Orphan
Samantha Powell in The Judge
Catherine Linklater in Safe House
Norma Louise Bates in Bates Motel
Dr. Emma Russell in Godzilla: King of the Monsters
Joanna in The Commuter
Teresa Gazelle in Running Scared
Lorraine Warren in Annabelle Comes Home
Erica Van Doren in Nothing but the Truth
Jane Doe in Captive State
Julie Ivanova in Henry's Crime
Lee Hart in The Front Runner
Irene in Down to the Bone
Natalia in In Transit
Laura in Boundaries
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