List of Famous people with last name Farmiga

Vera Farmiga

Vera Ann Farmiga
First Name Vera
Last Name Farmiga
Born on August 6, 1973 (age 50)
Height 166 cm | 5'5

Vera Ann Farmiga is an American actress, director, and producer. She began her professional acting career on stage in the original Broadway production of Taking Sides (1996). Farmiga made her television debut in the Fox fantasy adventure series Roar (1997), and her feature film debut in the drama-thriller Return to Paradise (1998).

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Taissa Farmiga

Taissa Alexandra Farmiga
First Name Taissa
Born on August 17, 1994 (age 29)
Height 164 cm | 5'5

Taissa Farmiga is an American actress. She began her career in the drama film Higher Ground (2011), which was directed by her sister Vera, and subsequently made her television debut in the FX series American Horror Story: Murder House (2011). She then appeared in the American Horror Story seasons Coven (2013–2014), Roanoke (2016), and Apocalypse (2018), which earned her a reputation as a contemporary scream queen.

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