Uroš Drenović

Uroš Drenović
Uroš Drenović

Uroš Drenović was a Bosnian Serb military commander in the central Bosnia region of the Independent State of Croatia (NDH), the fascist Ustaše-led puppet state, during World War II. Following the German-led Axis invasion of Yugoslavia in April 1941, the Ustaše implemented genocidal policies against Serbs, Jews and Romanis in the puppet state. Drenović joined the Yugoslav Partisans, and distinguished himself during the initial uprising against the NDH authorities by capturing the town of Mrkonjić Grad in August 1941. He was appointed to command the 3rd "Petar Kočić" Battalion, a Partisan unit operating in central Bosnia, and was appointed the deputy commander of the 3rd Krajina Detachment.

From *.wikipedia.org,
General Info
Date of Birth
November 11st, 1911
Birth Place
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republika Srpska
Date of Death
May 29th, 1944
Died Aged
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